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Big, clumsy, and terrifying;

The flamethrower (and its big brother) produces temperatures capable of melting steel in seconds. Due to the extreme fuel requirements, the flamethrower can only muster a limited number of shots before running dry. You're also increasing the risk of your own vehicle exploding when you take damage.

When any flame producing weapon takes damage or the vehicle catches fire, the vehicle will operate normally until one of two thing happen.

(Best case scenario) Your car drives through the flames, shooting your target(s) and extinguishes itself...... (Bad news) Your car drives through the flames shooting normally then BOOM!.... Say goodbye to your car, the gangers in the car and possibly any other gangers or cars within 2 car lengths of your detonation.

The resulting explosion will be powerful enough to kill your car, every one in it, AND seriously damage or kill any cars with occupants within 2 car lengths of your ill-fated vehicle.

A Frank Opinion by an Irate and Tired Player

This 'weapon' is useless when it comes to doing any kind of real damage. Not only is it unable to even scratch armor, but spraying it directly into an unarmored car at point blank range will have almost no effect on the occupants. The Flamethrower may be scary and seem impressive on the outset, but it's not good for anything more than spooking and stressing. And by the time you're close enough to use it, you could have demoralised your target from long range with a better weapon.

Pro- Scares the enemy more than a regular weapon.

Con- Impossibly short range.

Con- Increases the chance that your own vehicle will blow up, exterminating all your gangers and dealing you a huge financial blow.

Con- Small magazine size.

Con- Cannot damage armored targets.

Con- Cannot damage unarmored targets.

Con- Takes up a large amount of space, which could be used to fit two much better weapons.

Con- Does not set your target on fire, which is really the first thing that you would have expected it to do.

Con- Everyone will laugh at you. Especially me.