Scripts 297
- Fixed bug that had a the non-scav gang of a scav player considered to be a non-sub for purposes of camp mechanics
- Reduced food/water/ammo prizes in town and for missions
- Fixed trucing with NPCs
- You can now recover scrap metal by removing armour (at a rate of 50% of the equivalent 'cost' of adding that amount of armour)
- For Scav gangs, clean/restore will make a vehicle look no better than its permanent damage allows
- Ammo prizes from missions are capped at 10 units
- Scavenger gangs can break down vehicles for scrap metal
- Rental cars start with 85% chassis health and C armour
Not sure how to integrate this yet, but don't want it to be forgotten. --Wikiadmin 10:01, 31 August 2011 (CDT)