Tango's Walkthrough

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How to Join a Wilderness Scout and Fight With Vehicles

 I.    How to fight with vehicles
 II.   Scouting Etiquette:How to be helpful and appreciated
 III.  How to join a wilderness scout.
 IV.   Recommended vehicle loadouts for new players

This is a brief intro, I will be glossing over some areas. There is much more to be found in other intros or in other parts of the Wiki.

Conventions: This game and instructions are broken into two parts, the web interface(will be referred to as Web) and the game client interface you downloaded (will be referred to as Client)

I. How to Fight with Vehicles

a. Learn to drive. If you can't maneuver, you're like a tank that lost a tread in WWI, a pillbox. From the Client, click the bright yellow button that says Tutorials. Follow the directions. Read what it says to do. Ask for help in the lobby if you get stuck. On the Client you will have a chat interface at the top center of the screen with three tabs on the bottom, Lobby, Event and Team. You can talk to people in the Lobby while in any event by selecting the Lobby tab.

b. When you're comfortable with the Tutorial, go to the Web and hire some gangers.

go Web>Places>Somerset You're now at a map of the town, clicking the building you want to go to

go Web>On screen map>Dexter's Tavern On the right side you will see a menu and below it a list of your current characters. Understand your first few characters will probably die, don't worry too much about your next few decisions. Your first five gangers are free, so go ahead and click Find New Character. For a Primary Skill leave it at Driving, decide whether you want to Accept Mutants or not, then click Next>>> To make things easier I suggest selecting Choose Name and naming your driver something that starts with a D so you can find them easier later on.

Click Recruit Character Select Male or Female. It doesn't make any gameplay difference, it's for flavor or role playing Choose First Name, for example Dale Choose Surname, for example Dabbs. When we see Dale Dabbs later on we'll already know he's a Driver, without having to refer to any notes or looking up his specialty. You'll now see him added to your list of three gangers already there. Select Find New Character, give this one Gunnery skill, I made mine a female named Gabriel Gabaldon.

You need characters to be able to do any events in the game, and it's preferable to have them uninjured because they will perform better. That's why it's important to have a stable of them to choose from. When you have more money to space, come back and recruit some more. For now, let's go earn some money and compete in an event.

c. We've got a crew, now let's do an event. Look at the list of upcoming events. You can Race, Deathrace or do an Arena Combat. If you want to enter an event already on the list of Upcoming Events, make sure the event is in Somerset, it will say (SS) after it's name.(I.E. Combat (SS) 12mins). Clicking the event will bring it up and give you options. We're going to work on the presumption that if you're reading this you want to Fight with Vehicles, so select a combat. You cannot join events after there are less than 3 minutes remaining, so select one with some time to let you get ready. Click Register and you will see the vehicle you'll be using, the options you can set and the crew you can pick. On the Vehicle Preview panel there are lots of options, for now just scroll down and select your driver (Dale Dabbs) and gunner Gabriel Gabaldon using the left and right arrows then click Register. You'll see buttons for the webpage, you can also enter from that interface as well, clicking Webpage will launch you into the event webpage for this event. The options are slightly different there. Ok so now you have some time to wait for your event to start. Click Close, turn up your sound so you can hear the starting announcement, grab a cold beverage, whatever. You will be getting a popup window in the client that looks just like the one you closed. After a brief time you will be able to click "Play" when the button appears.

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