Using Weapons

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In order to use weapons installed on your vehicle a couple of criteria must be met:

  1. The weapon must be installed. This is different than being in the cargo area, and should not be an issue unless you've made an error in the setup of your vehicle
  2. The weapon must have ammo loaded.
  3. The weapon must have a gunner assigned.

Assigning a Gunner[edit]

After your event starts perform the following steps to assign a gunner to your vehicle's weapons

  1. Click your vehicle
  2. Click the 'Manage' tab (or press 'M'), to switch to vehicle management
  3. Right-click on the weapon you want to work with to display the 'Assign Gunner' menu
  4. Select the name of the character you want to man the weapon
  5. After the character has been assigned, a message in the Chat Window will indicate the character has taken control of the weapon

Targeting an Enemy[edit]

After assigning a gunner you will want to target an enemy (hopefully) vehicle. There are two ways to do this, but one is easier than the other.

Extremely Easy Way[edit]

  1. Go to the 'Manage' tab for vehicle management
  2. Click the weapon you want to use
  3. Click any enemy vehicle or character
  4. After the target has been selected, a message in the Chat Window will indicate the targeted status of the weapon

NOTE: This method has the advantage of allowing you to pre-target the enemy so you don't have to wait for them to be in the firing arc of the weapon. All other methods require the desired target to be in the firing arc.

Easy Way[edit]

  1. Right-click the enemy you want to target
  2. The popup menu will list all the weapons you control that are able to target the desired vehicle (based on firing arc)
  3. Select the weapon you want from the menu, and a targeting line will appear from your vehicle to your target
  4. After the target has been selected, a message in the Chat Window will indicate the targeted status of the weapon

Harder Way[edit]

  1. Go to the 'Manage' tab for vehicle management
  2. Right-click the weapon you want to use
  3. The popup menu will list all the available targets (friendly and hostile) in the weapon's firing arc
  4. Select the enemy you want to target, and a targeting line will appear from your vehicle to your target
  5. After the target has been selected, a message in the Chat Window will indicate the targeted status of the weapon

Firing a Weapon[edit]

One turn after targeting your gunner will be able to begin firing the weapon. Just as with targeting, there are two ways to do this.

Easy Way[edit]

  1. Right-click the enemy you are targeting
  2. The popup menu will show firing options for the targeted weapon: Fire or Repeat Fire
  • You will also have options for Fire and Repeat Fire All Targeted Weapons
  • Repeat fire gains sustained fire bonuses, so you should consider doing this unless you encounter LoS issues

Hard Way[edit]

  1. Go to the 'Manage' tab for vehicle management
  2. Right-click the weapon you want to use
  3. The popup menu will show firing options for the targeted weapon: Fire or Repeat Fire
  • You will also have options for Fire and Repeat Fire All Targeted Weapons
  • Repeat fire gains sustained fire bonuses, so you should consider doing this unless you encounter LoS issues

Reloading a Weapon[edit]

Most weapons can be reloaded anytime during a combat (exceptions noted below), and so long as you have ammo for the weapon in the vehicle's cargo area, and the weapon has a gunner assigned.

A weapon that is not completely empty can be reloaded, but the partial magazine in the weapon is discarded and the ammo is lost before loading a new, full magazine. Therefore it is an important strategic decision whether you should conserve your ammo (reloading only when empty) or start the next phase of combat (in a multi-wave encounter, for example) with full magazines.


  1. Go to the 'Manage' tab for vehicle management
  2. Right-click the weapon you want to reload
  3. The popup menu will show either 'Reload Weapon' or 'Empty and Reload Weapon' depending on the amount of ammunition left in the magazine
    • You will get a confirmation dialog when performing an 'Empty and Reload' action to ensure you didn't accidentally click the menu option
    • If you don't have ammo available in the cargo area for the weapon, the reloading menu options will not be shown
    • If you are attempting to reload a weapon manned by your driver, and he doesn't have the Reload in Motion specialism, you will see 'Driver can't reload while vehicle is in motion' instead of the other reload options
    • If your driver has the specialism, but is going too fast, you will also see the above message
  4. You will see confirmation that the weapon is being reloaded in the chat window.

Reloading Exceptions[edit]

Some weapons cannot be reloaded during combat. These include the single-shot rockets (Light, Medium, Heavy) and the Light and Heavy Rocket Racks and Mini Rocket Pod.

The single-shot rockets can only be reloaded in town at the various auto shops.

The Rocket Racks and Pod can be reloaded between wilderness encounters, either during the looting stage or during the Setup Phase prior to the event starting.

Reload During Looting[edit]

  1. Right-click on the vehicle whose weapon(s) you want to reload
  2. Select the 'Reload Weapons' option from the popup menu
  3. Confirmation that a weapon has been reloaded will be shown in the chat window

When reloading during looting all weapons whose ammo supply is below 50% will be reloaded if there is appropriate ammo in the vehicle's cargo area.