Black Rock

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Chassis Landrunner Landrunner.jpg
Engine 4L
Combat Rating 255
Tyres ?
Front Heavy Machine Gun
Front Rocket Launcher
Rear Machine Gun
Left Machine Gun
Right Machine Gun

Firstly created by PC gang Black Rock and used through most of its history. Devastating when going on forward and still troublesome when circling and also when pursuing one that is escaping. Accommodation is only for 2 people and only one reload for the RL, so if you see Black Rock shooting for a very long time you can bet it will stop shooting soon and either show you another side with ammo or start running away if AI is advanced enough, but even ramming can be devastating from Black Rock if you do not care about the car and people inside. Also if you use this design bear in mind that you will have no space for any loot to take back home but everybody in the car is pretty safe as you will be driving more of a tank than a car.