King Silage

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Chassis Wurzel Wurzel.jpg
Engine 4L
Combat Rating ?
Tyres ?
Front Car Grenade Launcher
Front Paint Gun
Left Heavy Rocket
Right Heavy Rocket

The Silage turns the Wurzel's weakness of slow speed into an advantage, by mounting ballistic weapons on a vehicle that is nearly always in the rear of the initial NPC swarm. This makes good use of the PG and CGL. However, because PGs no longer gum up weapons, I recommend saving this vehicle for last, since you will waste half a clip blasting through the impenetrable armor and solid footing on the Wurzel, which could be better spent knocking enemy Marauders and Scorpions off their aim. Don't bother looting this thing unless it's a Gates encounter, as you won't be able to outrun anything even with a working engine.

Common variant of the Wurzel, found mainly outside Somerset and Elmsfield.