Mutant Marauder

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Chassis Pickup Pickup.jpg
Engine 2.0L
Combat Rating 160
Tyres Standard
Front Rocket Launcher
Front Rocket Launcher
Left Machine Gun
Right Machine Gun


This truck is unpleasant, to say the least. With dual Rocket Launchers on the front, and Machine Guns left and right, the Marauder will rock your world like nothing else in the game.

Marauders have uncanny accuracy, and will often land rocket shots from extreme distances, and incredible firing locations, while spinning in the air following heavy weapons hits, for example.

To make the Marauder even more dangerous, the occupants usually display a very high level of courage and do not surrender or become demoralised easily. Furthermore, the demoralised vehicle will often re-engage, changing the course of the battle as you find yourself fighting more vehicles than expected.

When facing Marauders it is prudent to blast them into paste, rather than try to save them for loot. Otherwise your 'loot' could bury you.