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Darkwind offers a wide variety of weapons you can mount on your vehicles from flamethrowers for close range combat to mounted artillery mortars for long range mayhem.

Information about pedestrian weapons is available on the Pedestrian Weapons page.

Weapons take up a certain amount of bulk and a weapon slot. Most vehicles have 6 weapons slots: 2 front, 2 rear and one on each side.

Besides bulk there are a lot of other factors worth taking under consideration when choosing your weapons, such as close- and long-range accuracy, recoil, amount and type of damage it does, and whether it does splash damage.

Weapons are bought from local mechanic shops or stripped from looted cars, and like all other items in Darkwind are subject to the dynamic economy, which means not all weapons are always in stock, and some weapons are quite rare and expensive.


  • Extend intro
  • Add this overview table like to all the weapons pages:
  • Add weapon CR of Napalm Gun to the tables.
  • Enter missing weapon weights to the tables.
  • Add or link info regarding continuous fire bonuses.
  • See about adding recoil to the weapon info (although it's very hard to measure)
Bulk 20
Ammo Capacity/Bulk 20/4
Damage Medium (2/7)
Close Accuracy Good (5/8)
Ranged Accuracy Reasonable (4/8)
Category Targeted
Skill Gunnery


Weapon Bulk Weight Ammo Capacity/Bulk Damage[1] Base Reload Time Combat Rating
Machine Gun 20 152 20/4 1-2 8 11
Gatling Gun 20 154 40/4 1-1 x2 8 14
Light Machine Gun 15 125 10/3 * * *
Flechette Gun 20 500 8/4 Anti-Personnel ONLY 10 20
Micromissile Launcher 20 100 15/4 12 8
Medium Machine Gun 30 250 20/6 2-3 8 14
Vehicular Shotgun 30 455 12/6 1 + Anti-Personnel 10 12
Flamethrower 40 455 10/8 6 5
Laser 40 Inf. 1-4 N/A 80
Rocket Launcher 40 205 10/8 4-5 12 22
Car Rifle 35 300 15/7 2-3 10 20
Heavy Flamethrower 60 660 10/12 6 13
Heavy Laser 60 Inf. 1-6 N/A 118
Heavy Car Rifle 70 460 15/14 10 44
Mini Rocket[2] 3 25 1/1 - 0
Light Rocket[2] 4 32 1 - 2
Medium Rocket[2] 8 62 1 - 3
Mini Rocket Pod[3] 6 40 5/1 - 13
Light Rocket Rack[3] 10 60 3 - 6
Medium Rocket Rack[3] 15 75 2 - 21

Large Guns[edit]

Weapon Bulk Weight Ammo Capacity/Bulk Damage[1] Base Reload Time Combat Rating
Heavy Machine Gun 40 350 20/8 4-6 10 21
Heavy Gatling Gun 40 350 40/8 2-3 x2 10 28
Car Cannon 60 510 10/12 6(?) 12 66
Anti-Tank Gun 60 610 10/12 12 58
Tank Gun 200 10/40 12 102
Heavy Rocket[2] 12 118 1 6() - 4
Radar Guided Missiles 40 300 3/8 Yes 10 61
Heavy Rocket Rack[3] 20 325 2/4 - 26

Ballistics Weapons[edit]

Weapon Bulk Weight Ammo Capacity/Bulk Damage[1] Base Rld. Time Combat Rating
Paint Gun 30 200 15/6 Special 10 16
Smoke Gun 30 15/6 Special 10 8
Napalm Gun 35 700 10/7 Special 10 15
Car Grenade Launcher 40 200 10/8 10 10
Mounted Mortar 80 12/16 10 36

Dropped Weapons[edit]

Weapon Bulk Weight Ammo Capacity/Bulk Damage[1] Base Rld. Time Combat Rating
Mine Dropper 40 150 10/8 10 5
Spike Dropper 20 10/4 Tires Only 10 2
Oil Jet 25 15/8 Special 10 2
Heavy Oil Jet 40 15/12 Special 10 7
Flaming Oil Jet 40 30 15/8 Special 10 6
Heavy Flaming Oil Jet 60 60 15/12 Special 10 3

Special Weapons[edit]

Weapon Bulk Weight Ammo /Capacity/Bulk Damage[1] Base Rld. Time Combat Rating
Smoke Screen 20 10/4 None 10 3
Heavy Smoke Screen 40 50 10/8 None 10 5
Paint Spray 20 25 15/4 Special 10 4
Heavy Paint Spray 40 15/8 Special 10 8
Nitrous Booster 20 25 5/4 Self Only 10 5
Rocket Booster 40 4/8 10 31
Fire Extinguisher 20 350 8/4 Unk 5
Heavy Fire Extinguisher 40 700 8/8 Unk 10

Melee/Ramming Weapons[edit]

Weapon Bulk Weight Combat Rating
Mounted Ram 5 200 2
Mounted Spikes 5 100 3
Reinforced Ram 25 1000 20
Plow Ram 25 1000 10

Effect of relative speed[edit]

The relative speed of two cars affects the chance to hit, although not all weapons are affected the same[4].

  • Affected less than normal:
    • Radar Guided Missile
    • Car Rifle
    • Heavy Car Rifle
    • Laser
    • Heavy Laser

  • Affected more than normal:
    • Car Grenade Launcher
    • Mounted Mortar
    • Paint Gun
    • Smoke Gun
    • All types of single-shot rockets

  • Affected a lot more than normal:
    • Rocket Launcher
    • Micromissile Launcher

  • Affected a normal amount:
    • All other weapons

Exact info on the new weapons is unavailable, but we can expect them to follow similar logic with ballistics weapons being heavily affected and the Heavy Car Rifle being less affected.

Effect of Driving/Firing Direction[edit]

There is a 10% (approximate) accuracy penalty for firing in the direction opposite to the one you are traveling (i.e. firing rear weapons while driving forward, or firing front weapons while driving in reverse).

Weapon Ratings[edit]

On the official Darkwind weapon info page the following rating system is used for the damage and accuracy of weapons:

  • Damage Levels
  1. None (0/7)
  2. Low (1/7)
  3. Medium (2/7)
  4. Medium-High (3/7)
  5. High (4/7)
  6. Very high (5/7)
  7. Extremely High (6/7)
  8. Exceptionally High (7/7)

  • Accuracy Levels
  1. Terrible (0/8)
  2. Very Poor (1/8)
  3. Poor (2/8)
  4. Quite Poor (3/8)
  5. Reasonable (4/8)
  6. Good (5/8)
  7. Very Good (6/8)
  8. Excellent (7/8)
  9. Exceptional (8/8)

See Also:

Weapons info on the Darkwind Website


  1. 1.0 1.1 1.2 1.3 1.4 Armor Damage
  2. 2.0 2.1 2.2 2.3 These weapons can only be reloaded in town.
  3. 3.0 3.1 3.2 3.3 These weapons are too slow to reload during a combat. They can only be reloading during the setup phase before a combat, during the looting stage after combat, or in town.
  4. http://dark-wind.com/forums2/index.php?a=topic&t=1096&min=15&num=15