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== In-Town Event ==

== Racers ==
== Racers ==

Revision as of 13:13, 27 August 2014


  • Add tyre type under the description for each NPC vehicle as we acquire them ourselves in-game.
  • Find vehicle ID's.

Wilderness Combat Vehicles

Vehicle Chassis Engine Combat Rating Weapons Occupants Info Comments
57 Gunner Fiftyseven 3.2L V8 110 Fr: HGG 1 Info A rare and dangerous wilderness adversary
Antagonist Moose 2.5L 134 Fr: HMG, CR 2 Info A fairly common desert fighter
Badlander Phoenix 4L 119 Fr: HMG, Re: MML 1 Info Fast and vicious
Bandit Raccoon 1.0L 74 Fr: CGL Info A funsize tactical bomardment vehicle
Bantam Marley 1.6L 81 Fr: MMG, Re: MR 1 Info A small interceptor
Battleaxe Chomper 2.5L 180 Fr: RL, MMG, Ri: LR, Le: MML 2 Info An offroad desert fighter
Beaster Box Van 4L 174 Fr: Ram,HMG, Ri: GG, Le: GG, Re: GG Info A feared melee ramming vehicle with lots of guns.
Big Meanie Big Pickup 4L 214 Fr: HGG, RL, Le: GG, Ri: GG 2 Info This heavily armed big pickup is, thankfully, a rare sight in Northern Evan.
Biter Phoenix 3.2L 114 Fr: MMG, MG 2 Info A popular MG-packed fighting vehicle
Black Gold Landrunner 3.2L V8 254 Fr: RL,RL, Ri: MMG, Le: MMG 2 Info A tough and versatile fighter
Black Rock Landrunner 3.2L 255 Fr: RL, HMG, Le: MG, Ri: MG, Re: MG 2 Info There is no place to be safe around this car, the front is the worst but even approaching from rear can hurt
Black Stone Landrunner 3.2L V8 275 Fr: RL, HGG, Le: GG, Ri: GG, Re: GG 2 Info A mean, close-range brawler, favoured by bounty hunters in the Northern Desert.
Blitzer Chomper 2.5L 170 Fr: HMG, RL, Re: MG 2 Info A mean wilderness fighter
Bloodhound Osprey 5L V8 127 Fr: MMG x2 Info A very rare high performance interceptor
Brick Sh#thouse Wurzel 4L 242 Fr: HMG, MML, Li: GG, Ri: GG 2 Info A nimble combat vehicle, popular in mountainous areas
Bullseye Bullet 4L 112 Fr: CR, Le: MR, Ri: MR, Re: HR 1 Info A solid interceptor
Butterfly II Windsor II 3.2L 142 Fr: GG x2 Info An agile and fairly common interceptor with dual gatlings
Buzzcut Buzzer 4L 340 Fr: HGG x2, Le: GG, Ri: GG, Re: MG x2 Info A feared heavy combat vehicle from the Southern Desert
Buzz This! Buzzer 3.2L 354 Fr: ATG, HMG, Re: HMG x2 Info A deadly combat vehicle feared throughout Southern Evan
Chaser Phoenix 4L 104 Fr: MMG 2 Info A common interceptor
Chulainn Apache 4L 253 Fr: HGG, HGG, Le: GG, Ri: GG Info A mean southern brawler
Crescendo Symphony 2.0L 125 Fr: FT, RL, Re: MML 2 Info An offroad-capable symph that can fire rockets ahead and behind, and closes in for the kill with a flamethrower.
Cutlass Buccaneer 4L 169 Fr: Laser, Re: MG Info A rare desert interceptor favoured by pirates
Da Vinci Mercenary 2.5L 119 Fr: PG, MG, Le: PS, Ri: PS 2 Info A tactical car that gums up the opposition so its buddies can kill them
Damocles Apache 4L 283 Fr: 2xATG 2 Info A big-hitting SUV
Dervish Voyager 3.2L 122 Fr: HMG, Le: MG, Ri: MG Info A versatile interceptor/fighter that performs well in broken terrain in the Badlands region
Desert Flame Phoenix 3.2L 125 Fr: CR, MG, Re: MG 1 Info A cheap interceptor favoured by mutants
Desert Siren Sonic 1.2L 108 Fr: HMG 1 Info A cheap fighter favoured by the smaller pirate gangs
Desert Striker Vampire 4L 93 Fr: HMG 1 Info Comes out of the dunes like a serpent ready to strike
Devastator Apache 4L 283 Fr: CC, HGG, Le: MG, Ri: MG Info A somewhat rare, feared wilderness fighter
Discord Landrunner 3.2L 266 Fr: ATG, RL, Le: MR, Ri: MR Info A tough melee vehicle
Dozer Mercenary 3.2L 119 Fr: Plow Ram, RL Info A common ram vehicle
Dragon`s Breath Buzzer 4L 373 Fr: CC x2, Le: HR, Ri: HR Info A firey adversary that strikes fear into anyone who sees it
Duellist Moose 2.5L 132 Fr: MMG x2, Le: MR, Ri: MR, Re: MR x2 2 Info A mid-range wilderness combateer, packed with weapons
Duet Symphony 2L 106 Fr: MG x2 2 Info A basic fighter, used by down-on-their-luck pirate gangs
Eat Me Royal Eaton 2L 117 Fr: RL, CR Info A speedy interceptor with long ranger weapons
Eliminator Voyager 3.2L 111 Fr: MG x2, Re: MG 2 Info A dangerous adversary, common throughout Evan
Emergency Room Ambulance 5L 368 Fr: ATG, CR, Le: CR, Ri: CR, Re: CR x2 Info You`d better get out the way when you hear its sirens blaring!
Evan Bandit Symphony 2.0L 147 Fr: HMG, MML, Le: GG, Ri: GG 2 Info A common wilderness combat car
Evan Enforcer Symphony 2.0L 128 Fr: CR x2, Re: MG 2 Info A wilderness fighter with car rifles
Ferret Voyager 3.2L 114 Fr: CR, MMG Info A versatile interceptor/fighter that performs well in broken terrain in the Badlands region
Firebug Dustup 1L 104 Fr: NG Info A rare scout/firebomber
Flashbang Flash 2.0L 74 Fr: CR, Re: MR, HR 1 Info A rarely-seen undersized interceptor
Freelance Mercenary 2.0L 92 Fr: HMG x2 2 Info A midsize vehicle that punches above its weight
Gallowglass Apache 4L 221 Fr: HMG x2, Le: HR, Ri: HR, Re: HR Info A tough desert fighter
Garbageman Trash Truck 8L 375 Fr: 2xRL, Le: ATG, Ri: ATG, Re: HMG Info A heavy-duty combat vehicle with big guns
Gladiator Chomper 2.5L 190 Fr: HMG, ReRam, Re: MG, Le: MR, Ri: MR Info A fairly common big-punching SUV
Gunboat Two-Axle Lorry 8L 496 Fr: RL x2, Le: CC x2, Ri: CC x2, Re: HMG x2 Info A massive lumbering beast, dripping with firepower
Gypsy Bus 5L V8 259 Fr: ReRam CC, Le: HR MG, Ri: HR MG, Re: HMG x2 Info A rare vehicle, often used as a hybrid fighter/trader
Harpy Sonic 1.0L 102 Fr: RL 1 Info A small but effective desert combat vehicle
Heat Stroke Fire Engine 9.4L 447 Fr: TG, HMG, Le: HF, Ri: HF, Re: RL x2 Info An almost mythically-rare desert warrior
Hellfire Hearse 3.2L 234 Fr: CR, ATG, Le: MG, Ri: MG Info A rare but much feared south-Evan fighting vehicle
Hotshot II Symphony 2.0L 122 Fr: RL, Le: FT, Ri: FT Info A solidly armoured version of the popular deathracing configuration
Kern Windsor II 3.2L 149 Fr: HMG, MG, Le: MR, Ri: MR 1 Info A fairly common interceptor/fighter
Killer Wasp Flash 2.0L 64 Fr: MML x2 Info A nimble interceptor packing a surprising punch
King Silage Wurzel 4.0L 155 Fr: CGL, PG, Le: HR, Ri: HR Info An unusual support combat vehicle
Lancer Chevalier 2.0L 137 Fr: CR, RL, Le: MR, Ri: MR, Re: LR 2 Info A well-armed wilderness combat vehicle
Lasersquad Squadcar 4L 217 Fr: Laser, HR, Re: LR Info A very rare interceptor packing laser and rockets
Longshot Phoenix 3.2L 118 Fr: MMG x2 Info A popular interceptor-class vehicle with twin MMGs
Mantis Sunrise 4L 124 Fr: MML x2, Le:LR, Ri:LR 2 Info A fairly common interceptor
McFlyer McFly 3.2L V8 137 Fr: HGG, GG, Le: LR, Ri: MR Info If you can get this baby up to 88, who knows what it will do!
Meteor Semi Tractor 5L 123 Fr: ReRam, FT, Le: MR, Ri MR Info A surprisingly deadly melee vehicle
Mongoose Voyager 3.2L 116 Fr: RL, GG Info A versatile interceptor/fighter that performs well in broken terrain in the Badlands region
Mutant Bomber Pickup 2.0L 142 Fr: CGL, PG, Le: GG, Ri: GG 2 Info An offroad pursuit/spoiler vehicle
Mutant Maelstrom Pickup 2.0L 136 Fr: CGL x2, Le: MG, Ri: MG 2 Info A cousin to the tried and tested Mutant Marauder these off-road vehicles often operate in a support role
Mutant Marauder Pickup 2.0L 160 Fr: RL x2, Le: MG, Ri: MG 2 Info A fighter vehicle favoured by desert scum and mutants
Mutant Masher Pickup 2.0L 136 Fr: MML x2, Le: MG, Ri: MG 2 Info A common wilderness fighter favoured by mutants
Mutant Mauler Pickup 2.0L 148 Fr: CGL, RL, Le: MG, Ri: MG 2 Info A cousin to the tried and tested Mutant Marauder these off-road vehicles often operate in a support role
Mutant Merc Mercenary 3.2L 165 Fr: ATG, MG Info A heavy-hitting midsize car
Mutant Mulcher Pickup 3.2L 148 Fr: ReRam, PS, Le: GG, Ri: GG 2 Info Light, fast, and designed to take down even the biggest guns with minimal cost, this ramming pickup works best when fighting alongside its cousins the Marauder and Masher
Mutant Rancher Pickup 3.2L 143 Fr: VSG, CR, Le: MML, Ri: MML 2 Info A versatile offroad attack vehicle
Nailgun Cadrona 1.0L 83 Fr: CR Info A smallsized sniper
Overture Symphony 2.0L 132 Fr: HR, RL, Le: HR, Ri: HR, Re: HR x2 Info Bristling with rockets, this is a mean adversary
Pegasus Phoenix 3.2L V8 131 Fr: CR, RL Info A fast intercepter armed with longer range weapons
Poltergeist Spirit 2.0L 153 Fr: HMG, RL, Re: MG x2 2 Info A tough, versatile desert fighter
Pulveriser Apache 3.2L V8 208 Fr: ReRam, HF, Le: HR, Ri: HR Info A terrifying melee vehicle
Punisher Apache 4L 228 Fr: CR x2, Re: RL Info A premium desert fighter
Purple Haze Motorhome 5L 243 Fr: ATG,Ram, Le: MR, FT, Ri: MR, FT, Re: HMG Info A dangerous battle-wagon
Quickdraw Big Pickup 3.2L V8 225 Fr: CC, PG, Le: HR, Ri: HR 2 Info A powerful offroad pursuit runner
Radon Rancher Bullet 3.2L V8 205 Fr: Heavy Laser, Spikes Info An ultra-rare premium interceptor
Razorback Spirit 2.0L 141 Fr: HGG, MG, Le: HR, Ri: HR, Re: MR x2 2 Info A close-up melee vehicle favoured by mutant and cannibal gangs
Rocket Man Alpha 1.0L 83 Fr: MML Heavy Rocket Rack Info A small car punching above its weight
Rocky Raccoon 1.0L 83 Fr: MMG, Le: MR, Ri: MR Info A small but nasty wilderness fighter
Scorpion Sunrise 2.0L 124 Fr: RL x2, Le: LR, Ri: LR 2 Info A useful dogfighter.
Sir Rocket Chevalier 2.0L 120 Fr: RL x2, Re: LR, Le: LR Info Don`t take a joust with this knight lightly!
Smash & Burn Wurzel 4L 234 Fr: NG, HMG Re: GG Info An offroad melee vehicle
Squire Chevalier 2.0L 126 Fr: MML x2, Le: MG, Ri: MG Info A midsize combat vehicle with rockets
Stingray Moray 3.2L V8 115 Fr: RL, MML 2 Info A rare and speedy interceptor packing rockets
Tempest Stormer 3.2L V8 126 Fr: RL, GG Info A rare interceptor
Texan Rattler Vampire 4L 100 Fr: MML x2 Info A popular interceptor with twin missile launchers
Texan Strongarm Carrier Van 3.2L V8 178 Fr: CC, HMG, Re: HMG Info Feared in the southern deserts
The Grimm Corghette 4L 113 Fr: HGG Info A rare wilderness chaser with a big bite
Thresher Flail 3.2L V8 292 Fr: Laser x2, Le: MR, Ri: MR Info A rare wilderness interceptor with twin lasers
Trebuchet Apache 4L 224 Fr: HMG, CGL, Le: LR, Ri: MR, Re: RL Info A hybrid melee/ballistic fighter
Wardance Buccaneer 3.2L V8 115 Fr: RL, MML 2 Info A premium interceptor
Wild Hunter Pike 4L 132 Fr: HCR Info A rare interceptor favoured by bounty hunters

Wilderness Trader Vehicles

It’s not easy making a living trading between the towns of Evan. Take a look at the standard vehicles that are used by the traders.

Vehicle Chassis Engine Combat Rating Weapons Occupants Info Comments
All Stops Bus 5L 261 Fr: GG x2, Ri: RL x2, Le: RL x2, Re: HMG x2 ? Info A rare, heavy trader vehicle
Arbalest Box Van 3.2L V8 182 Fr: ReRam, Ri: PS, Le: PS, Re: MM, HGG ? Info A tough trader vehicle, rarely seen north of Badlands
Estate Trader Estate 1.8L 116 Fr: MMG, Re: RL x2 Info A cheap trader vehicle
Mutant Runner Mercenary 1.6L 144 Re: CGL, HMG Ri: MG, Le: MG Info A fairly common trader escort vehicle
Southern Trader Two-Axle Lorry 8L 276 Fr: HMG, MR, Ri: HMG, Le: HMG, Re: CR, ATG Info A serious heavy trader
Texan Tanker Tanker 8L 278 Fr: ReRam HFT, Ri: HFT RL, Le: HFT RL, Re: HMG Info Rippling with flames and dripping with oil..
Trader Lorry Two-Axle Lorry 8L 117 Fr: MG, Le: MG, Ri: MG, Re: HMG, CGL Info A common trader lorry
Trader Pickup Pickup 2.0L 100 Fr: RL Le: MG, Ri: MG Info A small well-armed trading vehicle
Trade Runner Phoenix 2.0L 131 Re: HMG x2 2 Info A fairly common trader escort vehicle
Trader Van Carrier Van 3.2L 70 Fr: MG, Re: MG, MD Info A basic trading vehicle



As seen around the various racing circuits of Evan

Vehicle Chassis Engine Combat Rating Weapons Occupants Info Comments
Racing Alpha Alpha 1.2L 32 2 Info Little car with a big engine.
Racing Buggy Offroad Buggy 1L 43 1 Info A cheap offroader, can be great fun to race
Racing Chevalier Chevalier 3.2L 32 2 Info A midrange road car kitted out with a racing engine
Racing Moose Moose 3.2L V8 32 2 Info A midrange road car kitted out with a racing engine
Racing Symphony Symphony 3.2L 50 2 Info A souped-up road car, somewhat heavy in cornering, well armoured
Sporty Van Carrier Van 4L 42 2 Info Not really intended as a racing vehicle, can be good for a laugh
Standard Alpha Alpha 1L 39 2 Info Entry-level road-car, handles surprisingly well
Sunbeam Sunrise 3.2L 32 2 Info A good 3.2 Litre racer
TurboLandrunner Landrunner 4L 99 2 Info A solid racing vehicle with plenty of armour
Vampire Vampire 5L V8 48 2 Info A sporty racing vehicle
Vintage Eaton Royal Eaton 7L 29 2 Info Very fast and with great road-handling
Voyager1 Voyager 4L 30 2 Info A decent racing vehicle with a 4L engine and A grade armour
Pickup Pickup 2L 34 2 Info A standard 2 litre workhorse
DeVille DeVille 8L 23 2 Info A super-fast premium race-car
Voyager1 Voyager 4L 30 2 Info
Marley Marley 1.6L 32 2 Info A nippy little racing machine
Marley 1L Marley 1L 32 2 Info A surprisingly lively little machine
Colt Bullet 4L 30 2 Info A solid 4L racer
Colt 5 Bullet 5L 30 2 Info A solid 5L racer
Racing Dustup Dustup 1.8L 36 2 Info A nippy little off-road racer
Mercenary V8 Mercenary 3.2L V8 35 2 Info A souped up road car, heavy but powerful
Sonicracer Sonic 1.6L 30 2 Info A speedy 1.6L subcompact racer
Racing Tractor Semi Tractor 8L 31 2 Info Do you really want to go out on the racetrack in an 8L tractor?
Flashracer Flash 3.2L 26 2 Info A minisize muscle racer
Nitro Buccaneer Buccaneer 5L 43 2 Info Tank up this sea dog with post-apocalyptic rum and see how she burns
Speed Runner Roadrunner 5L 42 2 Info meep meep!
Moray Moray 5L V8 35 2 Info A premium racing vehicle with v8 engine and grade A armour
Turin Turin 8L 41 2 Info A highly rated race car with massive acceleration
Osprey Osprey 7L 39 2 Info A fast racer with exposed 7L engine

Death Racers

All the powerful deathracers that can be seen regularly on Evan’s circuits

Vehicle Chassis Engine Combat Rating Weapons Occupants Info Comments
Asp Vampire 5L V8 50 Fr: MG Info A great deathracing car, this one is very fast with a front-mounted machine gun
Asp II Vampire 4L 43 Fr: MG, Re: OJ Info A hybrid fighting/racing car, with a good turn of speed, armed with machine gun and oil jet
Boxer Box Van 4L 146 Fr: MGx2, Re: CC, FOJ Info Win the race by pounding the opposition with machine guns and cannons
Cruncher Pickup 2.0L 52 Fr: MG Info A basic 2 litre pickup with front mounted MG
Death Cadrona Cadrona 1.6L 63 Fr: MMG Info A popular deathracer with decent bite
Deathflash Flash 2.0L 60 Fr: MG, Re: MD Info A popular undersized deathracer with MG and mines
Deathmarley Marley 1.6L 42 Fr: MG Info A speedy deathracing machine for lower-engine size events
Deathmarley II Marley 1.6L 50 Fr: MG Info A 1.6L Deathracer with attitude
Deathmarley III Marley 1.0L 57 Fr: MG, Re: MG Info A 1L Deathracer with 2 machine guns
Hotshot Symphony 2.0L 83 Fr: RL, Le: FT, Ri: FT Info Burn up the opposition with left and right mounted flamethrowers and front mounted rocket launcher!
Macho Van Carrier Van 3.2L 107 Fr: HMG / Spikes, Le: FT, Ri: FT, Re: HMG / MD Info A mean deathracing vehicle, more death than race!
Mini Stomper Dustup 1.6L 58 Fr: MG Info A lively off-road deathracer
Pitbull Symphony 2.0L 79 Fr: HMG, Spikes Info This one is heavy and mean, with front mounted heavy machine gun and spikes
Porcupine Symphony 3.2L 67 Fr: MG, Re: SD, MD Info Front mounted machine-gun, rear mounted spike and mine droppers: watch out for its bristles!
Rising Sun Sunrise 4L 124 Fr: Laser, Re: SS, Le: MiniR, Ri: MiniR Info A premium deathracing vehicle with lasers, smokescreen and rockets
Rocketsonic Sonic 1L 73 Fr: LR, MiniR, Re: RB 1 Info A speedy deathracer
Solar Flare Sunrise 4L 74 Front: RL, MML 1 Info A fast and deadly deathracer with rockets
Stinger Offroad Buggy 0.6L 46 Fr: MG, Re: LR Info Good for toe-to-toe deathracing
Sunburn Sunrise 5L V8 93 Fr: HR, Spikes, Re: RB Info A rocket boosted deathracer
Terrier Alpha 1.2L 78 Fr: HMG Info A little car with a big bite! Front mounted heavy machine gun and outsized engine
Vulcan Windsor 3.2L V8 123 Fr: HCR, Re: GG Info A tough deathracer with plenty of firepower
Yorkie Alpha 1.0L 55 Fr: MML, Re: MG Info A nippy little deathracer, custom made for 1 litre events
Flame Runner Roadrunner 3.2L V8 68 Le: FT, Re: FT Info This one is hot to handle, fast, sporty and spouting flames
Nosferatu Vampire 3.2L V8 106 Fr: ReRam, MR Re: RB Info A fast and deadly deathracer
Hornet Offroad Buggy 1L 44 FR: MG Info Offroad deathracing on a budget
Death Moray Moray 3.2L V8 84 Fr: RL, MML Info A fast deathracer packing rockets
Hunter Pike 4L 96 Fr: HCR Info A popular deathracer with good speed and a wicked punch
Flailer Flail 5L V8 85 Fr: RL, Re: FOJ Info A fast deathracer with rockets and flaming oil
Deathbringer Chomper 2.5L 109 Fr: RL x2 Info A pacey small-sized 4x4 packed with rockets
Flaming Moose Moose 2.5L 55 Fr: FT, Re: PS, Le: FT Info A fiery deathracer with flamethrowers and paint spray
Spiker Semi Tractor 7L 55 Fr: Spikes, Re: SD Info Bring tha love with this spikey tractor!
Snubnose Pike 5L 92 Fr: ReRam, HGG Info A powerful and destructive deathracer
Sunset Sunrise 4L 67 Fr: MMG, Re: SD Info A powerful deathracing muscle car
Fiery Phoenix Phoenix 3.2L V8 60 Fr: FT, Re: FOJ Info A popular deathracer with fiery weapons
Sapphire Bullet 4L 104 Fr: ATG Info A deadly deathracer packing ferocious frontal weaponry
Haymaker Wurzel 4L 151 FR: MMG, Re: FOJ MG Info For all your agricultural racing needs
Bump n Bruise Symphony 2L 42 Fr: Spikes, Re: SD Info A deathracer without guns
Dodge `Em Phoenix 4L 52 Fr: MoRam x2 Info Used for brutal demolition-derby events

Arena Combat

Combat vehicles that can only be seen in the Arenas of Evan.

Vehicle Chassis Engine Combat Rating Weapons Occupants Info Comments
Blaster Symphony 2L 53 Fr: MG, Re: MG Info A combat car built for maximum punch and minimum combat rating
Constrictor Vampire 4L 85 Fr: CR Spikes, Le: LR, Ri: LR Info Guns, rockets, and a good turn of speed made this a deadly combat vehicle
Da Vinci II Mercenary 2.5L 93 Fr: MG PG, Le: PS, Ri: PS Info A tactical arena combat vehicle
Death Symphony Symphony 2L 103 Fr: CR, Le: MG, Re: HMG Info More guns than yo mutha
Desert Stalker Chomper 3.2L 118 Fr: HMG, Re: MG Info Your typical no-nonsense fighting vehicle: very sturdy, good offroad, and with machine guns mounted
Desert Tank Landrunner 3.2L 183 Fr: ATG, Le: MG, RE: HMG Info Custom built fighting vehicle
Hearseman Hearse 2.5L 148 Fr: MoRam CGL, Li: FT, Ri: MR, Re: RB x2 Info A crazy arena combat fighter, popular with the crowds
Killer Bee Offroad Buggy 0.6L 64 Fr: GG HR Info A nasty, biting desert pest